Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Nudnik Elevated Youth

Thank You
Thank You
Twin Sisters
for the best gift for
Miss Sunny James!
(1 month old baby girl)

If you care about our planet
....and I know you do
If you love eco-friendly, upcycled and ethical fashion
....and I absolutely know you do
then this company for
'Made in Canada' Kids' Style
is for you!

“You have all my respect and admiration for your “elevated” work!” — Sophie Grégoire Trudeau


Setting our sites far beyond sustainable, Nudnik reinvents potential, challenging the atrocious waste of the fashion industry, infusing our durable modern basics with ingenuity and adventure, while up-cycling fabrics otherwise destined for a landfill. - Nudnik


Nudnik SHOP
Nudnik TEAM

At Nudnik, our purpose is to give preloved clothing extended life by redefining the concept of ‘new’. Every piece is lovingly cut and sewn together from a variety of gently worn, adult sized tshirts and sweatshirts, in an array of hues, making no two Nudnik garments exactly the same. Almost like a fingerprint! Our modern basics were designed with purpose:
  • A comfortable, sculpted fit to serve as a second skin
  • Raw edges, to avoid the use of virgin materials and to minimize unnecessary sizes, so each piece grows longer as your child does 
  • Minimal tags and/or labels 
  • Infinite colour combinations that offer a fun element of surprise with each delivery, and make each garment as unique as the children wearing them

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