Thursday, May 7, 2015

For The Love of Mother Nature

The burning lesson she wanted to learn
regarding Mother Nature
'If you leave a cookie in the forest and nobody knows,
will it still be there when you come back?'

Clearly, the answer is 'yes'
and that's all that matters.

that and asking various questions
about trees, Spring blossoms
- if you drop your apple in the park
is it ok to pick it up and keep eating it?

that you can count on your favorite
'sap' tree as she calls it
even though technically, botanically
it is actually a cedar

that it will give you respite 
on a hot afternoon

rest after creating in your 
art studio all morning

that music echos among the brush and damp soil path

that jumping and balancing on
fallen tree trunks
is fun and an independent activity

that climbing trees
is not just for boys

and that foraging for fresh flowers
makes a lovely Mother's Day bouquet
for the kitchen table

....for the love of Mother Nature


Patti Friday, reporting from inside 'The Art Dept.' at the international 'Embassy of Ideas'

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