Artist | Creative Director
Website: Patti Friday
Instagram: @pattifriday + @pattifridayessentials
Location: Wasaga Beach, ON Canada
I am so glad you are here! My name is Patti and that's me below with one of my cameras! I live in a beach town about an hour north of Toronto and spend a lot of time building my creative career and playing with my fun family + friends.
I also have a "Side Hustle".
Helping others learn about natural products and inspiring other women to succeed in business are two of my greatest passions.
I also have a "Side Hustle".
Helping others learn about natural products and inspiring other women to succeed in business are two of my greatest passions.
I would love to join you on your essential oils journey!
Can't wait to welcome you to the Patti Friday Essentials Community!
If you would like to BUY from Young Living
I have a money saving tip for you!
Get your own
(Why shouldn't you get a discount like I do?)
It's quick and easy. Click HERE.
What do you do exactly?
Well....I am an Artist and Creative Director, but I also love to do this:
I am on a lifestyle journey with essential oils; happy to be learning more about 🍋healthy 🌱 living 🍓 I belong to an incredibly giving and supportive wellness community🌿 We'd love to have you join us.
I help people get their own Wholesale Membership and I 'shifted' my buying habits.
From traditional stores. To my own store.
In CANADA, Wholesale Memberships are FREE!
I shop from my own online wellness store and share my experience with other families so that they may choose to do the same. I get paid to share! So can you!
Every month I buy the items from Young Living Essential Oils that I love to use for myself and my family and friends. I am a 'Wholesale Member' so I enjoy a generous discount!
I "Ditch & Switch" which means I buy from my own store instead of other stores out there!
I "ditch" (toss) the name brand items, toxic products and low quality oils available in other stores and happily "switch" (choose) to the high quality Young Living brand items (essential oils, natural health products and non-toxic cleaning products!)
It is so simple! Easy!
I don't actually SELL Young Living products. I ONLY buy/shop for myself....and encourage others to do the same - buy/shop for themselves! I offer my friends and family 2 options: Option ONE - Become a Wholesale Member like me - SAVE and enjoy generous discounts (recommended) or Option TWO - become a Retail Customer - shop online at your own leisure and pay FULL price.
If you want to BUY from Young Living I encourage you to get your own Wholesale Membership ID# (Why shouldn't you get a discount like I do?)
In CANADA, Wholesale Memberships are FREE!
Young Living pays families to sign up other families as 'Wholesale Members'. They also send families FREE products as a reward for buying monthly. Essential Rewards!
I love this! Simple! Makes so much sense!
How do I become a Member?
Click HERE
Choose Option ONE or Option TWO and place your first order.
Option ONE
You will receive a 24% discount on ALL of Young Living’s products, have the potential to earn commissions and bonuses (but never obligated to sell), eligible to participate in the Essential Rewards program and earn FREE products, reduced shipping costs and loyalty bonuses, and plus- you'll have access to education, support and all of my team's exclusive resources. Just purchase the Premium Starter Kit (PSK)
Option TWO
Wholesale Member-Customer: (recommended)
You will receive a 24% discount on ALL of Young Living’s products, have the potential to earn commissions and bonuses (but never obligated to sell), eligible to participate in the Essential Rewards program and earn FREE products, reduced shipping costs and loyalty bonuses, and plus- you'll have access to education, support and all of my team's exclusive resources. Just purchase the Premium Starter Kit (PSK)
(Select OPTION ONE// Wholesale Member Customer//)
You will receive 11 of the most popular oils, a diffuser of your choice, samples, & the wholesale membership is included!
🌿 #pattifridayessentials

Option TWO
Retail Customer:
If you're only interested in an oil or two then you can purchase through this
If you're only interested in an oil or two then you can purchase through this
(Select OPTION TWO//Retail Customer//):
You will pay full price for products and can purchase online at your own leisure!
You will pay full price for products and can purchase online at your own leisure!
What is Essential Rewards (ER) ?
Essential Rewards is Young Living’s Member loyalty program which gives you access to exclusive offers and incredible perks!
If I buy a starter kit do I have to sell oils?
No! As a 'Wholesale Member' you will never ever be pressured to sell or share about your oils. You can simply enjoy our oily community if you would like to - Facebook groups, classes etc., and get your wholesale discount on all your Young Living products.
However, if you ARE ever interested in starting your own business 'enrolling' others as 'Young Living Wholesale Members', our team will set you up for success with plenty of resources! We run an online 'Mentorship' class every month so you can learn all about the business side and decide if you would like to join the team! If you are a bit curious about the business side please watch this video right here.
Are there any costs or renewal fees to be a 'Wholesale Member'?
The Young Living 'Wholesale Membership' is included FREE with the purchase of a premium starter kit. (PSK) Once you are a 'Wholesale Member', you receive 24% off ALL purchases of Young Living products! There is no monthly fee to maintain membership and no renewal fee. The only condition of maintaining membership is that you order at least 50pv (approx $50) of product per year, otherwise your membership would go on hold due to inactivity and you would have to contact Young Living to reinstate it (but there would be no renewal fee).
World of Dance host, actress and dancer Jenna Dewan Tatum
(wife of Channing Tatum)
has used essential oils for over a decade to help herself recenter.
Considering this fact, it only felt natural for Tatum to partner with
Young Living Essential Oils for a scent-based event during
New York Fashion Week.
What's the deal with rollers?
Rollers are a great way to apply oils topically. Don't be intimidated. It's fun and easy to make your own with all your favorite oil blends! Check out this quick tutorial on roller balls right here.
How and why do you use a diffuser?
Diffusers are a super easy way to use oils aromatically for therapeutic use and to make your house smell great! Learn how to use a diffuser in this video right here.
What's so great about the starter kit?
Everything! The packaging is gorgeous! The contents, AMAZING - printed material extremely comprehensive - Plus! absolutely the prettiest! You will want to hug it. Literally! Our Team Leader breaks it all down beautifully for you in this video right here.
"I do very little DIY beauty, but I'm really into my nightly baths.
I mix Young Living essential oil in 'Thieves' -
a blend of clove, lemon, cinnamon, rosemary and eucalyptus -
with epsom salts to soothe inflammation.
Then when I get out, I slather myself with organic coconut oil."
- Gwyneth Paltrow
I hear a lot about 'Thieves'. What is it and how do I use it?
Thieves is one of the most popular blends for a reason. It has so many uses. For natural, non-toxic cleaning, oral care, home + natural purification. Thieves® essential oil is a powerful combination of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary essential oils for an aromatic blend that fills any space with a rich, spicy aroma. Inspired by the legend of four 15th-century French thieves who formulated a special aromatic combination composed of clove, rosemary, and other botanicals, Thieves is one of Young Living’s most popular products. Check out this video about 'Thieves' right here.
How long does a starter kit last?
If you use your oils consistently, the kit will probably last about 3-5 months. This also depends on whether you dilute your oils or use them right out of the bottle. Additionally, your favorite oils will probably get used up faster than the others! However, the more you experiment with different oils, the more you will find uses for every one of them. You may purchase your PSK here.
Why Young Living Essential Oils?
Young Living has 20+ years of experience and is the world leader and pioneer in essential oil research and distillation process.
Young Living oils are beyond organic. Why? Check out their seed to seal process here.
Each batch of oils is rigorously tested in house for therapeutic viability. Check out their testing process here.
Young Living owns their own farms across the globe. Read about their farms here.
You can actually visit the farms and participate in the harvest/distillation process. Watch the Idaho Balsalm Fir harvest here.
Young Living is the only company to submit their oils to AIRASE for purity testing. Read more about AIRASE here.
With over 120 singles and blends, Young Living has a great selection of oils available.
Young Living has an unmatched Seed to Seal process to guarantee the purity and potency of every oil.
Young Living oils do not have an expiration date.
Young Living oils are safe for ingestion.
What is NHP?
As of March (2016), Health Canada has approved a number of Young Living Essential oils as Natural Health Products (NHP). This means that the health claims that you see here (and on the Young Living Canada Natural Remedies Guide) are backed by scientific evidence, and have been confirmed by Health Canada as safe and effective natural remedies.
Can I do this business?
Of course you CAN!
HERE is an online class explaining the business. 'Intro to the Oil Business'
What skills do I need to be successful at a Young Living business?
You CAN be successful with these simple skills:
(check off the ones you CAN do)
Where can I find you on social media?
What is NHP?
As of March (2016), Health Canada has approved a number of Young Living Essential oils as Natural Health Products (NHP). This means that the health claims that you see here (and on the Young Living Canada Natural Remedies Guide) are backed by scientific evidence, and have been confirmed by Health Canada as safe and effective natural remedies.
According to Health Canada’s website:
“Natural health products (NHPs) are naturally occurring substances that are used to restore or maintain good health. They are often made from plants, but can also be made from animals, microorganisms and marine sources. They come in a wide variety of forms like tablets, capsules, tinctures, solutions, creams, ointments and drops.”
Evidence may include clinical trial data or references to published studies, journals, pharmacopoeias and traditional resources. The type and amount of supporting evidence required depends on the proposed health claim of the product and its overall risks. [1]
Can I do this business?
Of course you CAN!
HERE is an online class explaining the business. 'Intro to the Oil Business'
What skills do I need to be successful at a Young Living business?
You CAN be successful with these simple skills:
(check off the ones you CAN do)
Can you:
- Talk to someone
- Share a story
- Write a card
- Make a phone call
- Send a text
- Ask a question
- Listen to others
- Have coffee or lunch
- Invite someone to something
- Have people over to chat
- Send someone a link or resource
- Use Facebook
- Send an email
- Add someone to a group where everything they need is already provided
- Recommend something you love
- Help people feel better
- Share hope
- Make a friend
- Encourage someone
- Stay committed
- Grow personally
- Have patience
- Work hard
- Learn a little at the time
- Talk to someone
- Share a story
- Write a card
- Make a phone call
- Send a text
- Ask a question
- Listen to others
- Have coffee or lunch
- Invite someone to something
- Have people over to chat
- Send someone a link or resource
- Use Facebook
- Send an email
- Add someone to a group where everything they need is already provided
- Recommend something you love
- Help people feel better
- Share hope
- Make a friend
- Encourage someone
- Stay committed
- Grow personally
- Have patience
- Work hard
- Learn a little at the time
Well, then you CAN do this!
So what about it? What are some things you do daily in your job or at home that you overlook as simple skills or even as problems? Could these mean you CAN do this and do it WELL??!!
I see so much potential in each of you! Even as you share your can'ts, I see CANS!!! Will you choose to see it?
Where can I purchase my 'Starter Kit'?
Right HERE.
Where can I find you on social media?
Hey! Thanks for asking. Just click the links below and if you need to text me 1.705.790.8351
Follow along for oil inspo, tips and ideas: